Wednesday 19 June 2013

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mission:  The mission of Immanuel Christian School is to prepare students to meet the challenge of the world and culture they live in as young and growing Christians.  Thus, students are taught the skill of discernment in the light of God’s Word, the practice of stewardship for creation, the required commitment to a life of Christian service, and the beauty of witness through modeling God’s love in a broken world.

School’s email address:
Principal’s email address:
ICS Website:    519-773-8476
FacebookCheck us out on Facebook:     
LDCSS Website:   519-455-4360
Christian Education Foundation (endowment fund):

Upcoming Events

June    20   ICS Graduation
             21   Last day of school – students dismissed @ 12:50
             24-26 Teacher Work days  
             26   LDCSS Graduation
Aug      19    office re-opens
Sept       3   classes resume 

From the Principal's Desk:

The last Journal of the year! We do celebrate our graduating class of 2013, and we wish God's blessing to: Lance, Jordan, Kristy, Sebastian, Charlotte, Alanna, Kassidy, Austin, Kennedy, Aaron and Cassie!  We look forward to our Graduation ceremony tomorrow night as our official opportunity to celebrate our students' achievements and continue to entrust them to God's care for high school and beyond.  Graduation involves community change too, as we also "graduate" some of our families whose youngest or only child is moving on the grade 9.  You are still encouraged to be involved in ICS, but it will be with a different perspective!  We "graduate": Larry and Irene Buis, Chris and Christy Hiemstra, Teus and Annemarie Korevaar, Jan and Aartje Noorland, and Graham and Janet Saarloos. 

The school year would not be as successful as it is without volunteer help, and at this time, I want to convey a sincere thank-you on behalf of all the Immanuel staff for your support in so many ways: service on the board or committees, helping with hot lunches, in the library, as a regular reading buddy, chaperoning field trips, acting as a handyman... and many more!  For parents, you will note encouragement elsewhere in the Journal to declare your involvement on your GIFTS form so we can return parental cheques.  Our school offers a unique opportunity for parents, grandparents and other supporters of Christian education to be actively involved in your child's education - truly, as educators we act alongside family and the church, not in our own right.  We cherish your continued support into next year too.

Reflecting back on our school theme, may we all continue to be encouraged to follow our call to love one another, knowing that our love indeed comes from God (1 John 4:7)!

in Christian education,
Keith Cameron, Principal

Praying for our Students:  Tomorrow at staff devotions we will be praying for the grade 5/6 and 7/8 class.

Reminders:   GIFTS forms are due by June 30, if not submitted we will cash your deposit cheque.  Even if you 
were on a committee and received your 25 hours automatically we still need to have your paperwork sent in to 
the office asap.   
                         Band sign-up applications forms?  Please hand in before Friday.
                         Urgent:  someone to take on our pop can collection (pick-up, store and bring in to scrap dealer). 
                         Please call the office.

Transportation:  On Thursday, 20th & Friday, 21st Mrs. Tesselaar will leave 20 minutes later in the morning since there is no more high school.  Reminder:  students are dismissed at 12:50 on Friday.  Buses will be here to take the students home.   

Graduation: Thursday, 20 beginning at 8:00 p.m. in the Aylmer C.R.C. 
Ø      Babysitting will be available in the church nursery.
Ø      Refreshments will be served behind the school after the ceremony.  Please have only 1 serving of goodies to ensure there is enough for everyone.  Parents are asked to supervise their children in this matter.  Graduates, your refreshments will be set aside for you.
Ø      Grads and parents – reminder – grad photos start at 5:15; class picture at 5:50 and dinner at 6:00.
Ø      Graduation prelude begins at 7:45.  Those students who are involved should be ready to begin. 
Ø      All students are involved in our mass choir and are expected to attend.  Students in grades 1-7 will sit with their parents during the program.
Ø      Band: Please meet at the church by 7:30 to tune instruments.  Sunday attire is fine. 
        -  Please have your parents keep a spot for you as you will be sitting with them after we play at the beginning of the evening.
        -  At the end of the evening, please make sure that you return your instrument, binder and stand back to the school before
           getting your dessert.  (The church will be locked up after the receiving line is finished for the graduates.) 
Ø      Kindergarten students are asked to meet in classroom 1 of the church by 7:45 p.m.  They will sit with their families after their graduation, so please keep a seat for them.  Parents if you want to come earlier to have an ideal seating location then please keep your child with you and bring him/her to the room at 7:45. Thanks
Ø      Reserved seating will be available for parents and siblings of the grade 8 graduates in the centre section of the church.  We cannot include grandparents, so please encourage them to come early to get a good seat.  Ushers will be on hand to oversee the seating arrangements. 
Ø      Grade 8 students will be dismissed on Thursday at 12 noon.

The Cheese order attached to this journal is for September.  Orders can be dropped of at the school till Wednesday, June 26th with delivery on Wednesday, Sept. 4th.  If you had a standing order this year and would like it to continue, please fill out a form to indicate that.  You can still place your order up until Aug. 280th but you need to call or e-mail Keli-lyn Lockyer at 519-617-0779 or  Thanks for supporting this fundraiser all year!
Awards Assembly:  This morning at our Awards Chapel, we were pleased to be able to recognize many of our students for their contributions towards sports teams, student service jobs, public speaking, the World Renew poster contest, as well as our grade 8 awards. The following grade 8s were given awards, and will be mentioned again at the Graduation ceremony:
                - Valedictorians: Kassidy Saarloos and Charlotte Rollins
     - Lioness Most Improved Student: Austin VandenBrink
     - Marcia Booy Memorial Math Award: Aaron VanGurp
     - Jim Dieleman Discipleship Award: Kristy Korevaar
Congratulations all as you demonstrate your God-given gifts!

Ontario School Nutrition Program:  We have submitted an application to be included in the province-wide nutrition program for 2013-2014 which partially funds nutritious school snacks.  We'd be considering running a snack program for students as a light breakfast following their early-morning bus ride.  A key need in implementing this would be one or two volunteers to plan the menu and coordinate shopping, with students being involved in minimal preparation and distribution in the morning.  If interested, please see Mr Cameron.

Playground and Summer Maintenance:  We are thankful for all our donors who were financially blessed to be able to contribute to our Spring Drive. The total amount was substantial at $64,400, but was below our target by about $12,600.  The Board has decided to fully fund the allocations towards our operating deficit and our education program improvements. Tonight the Board will consider options for a reduced playground and roof replacement option for this summer.  Both projects will be phased over 2 years as we seek other grant options as well.  As a step in addressing our liability issues, we envision removing and replacing the current 20 year old play structure with a slightly smaller one that fits a 2 - 12 year age range, and is fully compliant with CSA codes. We will need volunteers in late July or early August for both projects to come alongside our maintenance committee - please contact Marcel Broer (outgoing chair) regarding helping for the playground or Jim Vording (incoming chair) for the roof or for joining the committee in general. These are exciting projects, and we seek your enthusiastic help!

Yearbook:  We would like to thank our yearbook committee, Mrs. Amanda Cameron, Mrs. Angie Bergen, Mrs. Annette Dykxhoorn and Mrs Irene Versteegen-Buis for putting together another wonderful yearbook for each student to have and enjoy.  We are pleased to have such a special book of memories. 

Private Music Lessons:  Not every school is blessed with 5 experienced musicians interested in providing music lessons during the school day!  These teachers are not part of the ICS staff; we simply make a room available to them.  These teachers take students from their classrooms to have private lessons right at school.  If you would like to make arrangements for private lessons at school, contact the teacher at the following information.  Book now to guarantee a spot!
    Mrs. Paula Richardson (piano) – 226-270-9960 or
    Mrs. Emily Schuurman (piano) – 510-877-2320 or
    Mrs. June Elley (violin, voice, guitar and piano) - 519765-3316 or
    Mr. Derrick Drover (piano, guitar, basic vocal) - 519-765-4990
    Mrs. Amanda Cameron (piano) – 519-550-7312 or
    Miss Jacquie Harms (Piano) to start mid-October –  or leave a message at 519-773-7399

Staffing: As we close out one school year, many plans are in place for the 2013-2014 school year.  Teachers and home rooms are as follows:  Mrs Groeneweg - SK on Mon, Wed, Fri (8 students)
                           - JK on Tue, Thu (9 students, 5 full-time SK)
Ms Pieters - Gr. 1/2 (15 students)
Mrs. Drop  - Gr. 3/4 (15 students); Gr. 5-8 French and Music (15 students)
Ms Buma - Gr. 5/6 (13 students);  Gr. 3/4 Social Science and French
Mr. TenBruggencate - Gr. 7/8, Gr. 3-8 PE, & Vice Principal (19 students)
Mrs. VanderHoek – Resource, Gr. 7/8 Geography
Mr. Cameron – Principal, Gr. 5/6 Social Science, Gr. 3 through 8 Information Literacy
Mrs. Robinson Library, Gr. 1 through 8 first term Information Literacy  

In the office we have Mrs. Smit (Administrative Assistant), Mrs. Janssen (Financial Administrator), Mrs. Leinie Hartemink (Friday Secretary).  

Summer Shopping School Supplies:
JK and SK
-  Resting towel or blanket – not bigger than 140 cm x 70 cm
-  Indoor “non-marking” footwear (no laces, please).  This footwear will be used in the gym so they should have non slipping shoes
-  Paint shirt – can be one of Dad’s old t-shirt or dress shirt with the sleeves cut shorter
For all students for GRADES 1 – 8
-  Indoor “non-marking” athletic shoes.   Parents please be reminded that when you purchase new footwear please make sure that they are:  -  White soles or non-scuffing black marking.  Shoes that leave a black mark will be sent home. 
                -  Pencil case (no pencil boxes, please)
                -  Individual pencil sharpeners that catch shavings (the plastic cylinder shape with metal sharpener inside works very well)
                -  Markers
                -  Pencil crayons (Laurentian seems to sharpen best without breaking)
                -  Pencils (HB works best)
                -  Glue stick
 -  PE clothes:  ICS Athletics t-shirt (on sale through the office) will be required for PE.  Gr. 1-8: dark coloured shorts  or track pants as well
Please check your grade level below for additional items.
Reminder:  for all grades – no liquid paper (white-out)
Grades 1 – 4
-  A pack of 24 Crayola or Prang wax crayons
-  Markers (with fine tips for tracing and outlining), no ball point pens, please
-  Crayon erasers (white ones work well)
Grade 3/4
 - No binders please.  We will use duo tangs instead that will be provided by the school. 
Grades 5-8
- Only one 1” binder please.  The larger sizes take up too much space in the desks and so end up on the floor
- Calculator and math set.
-  2 glue sticks
-  blue or black ballpoint pens

The LAST HOORAH - FRIDAY FAMILY FUN NIGHT was another success!  Thank you to those of you who came out to enjoy fresh cut fries, burgers and hotdogs - as well as a game of road hockey and a visit with the goats, mama donkey and baby donkey!  $767.00 was raised which brings the FRIDAY FAMILY FUN NIGHT total profits for this year to:       $5376.85!
Thank you to June's road hockey convenors, the serving and clean up staff, and to Family Flowers for providing the mini farm attraction. 
A big thank you to everyone who attended one or all of the seven FUN NIGHTS - this last one showed some new faces and families too.  It has been a blessing to work with all the volunteers and especially to re-connect with school families and the Heritage Place residents.  Enjoy your summer break and we look forward to seeing you again next September!
 - ICS Fundraising Committee
(P.S. - if you have any suggestions, comments or would like to participate in the 2013-2014 Friday Family Fun Nights, please email Thanks!)



We have loved, played, laughed, studied, learned and enriched our lives together.  Thank you for entrusting your precious children to my care this year.  God's blessings and a wonderful summer holiday to all of you.    

GRADES 1 and 2 - Ms. Pieters
Have a blessed summer!

GRADES 3 and 4 – Ms. Buma
Enjoy your summer girls and boys, playing in God’s beautiful creation!   May you have many opportunities to have fun exploring God’s world.  Read some good books, play some great games, and enjoy your time with family and friends.  It has been a pleasure teaching you all this year!  Ms. Buma

GRADE 5 and 6 – Mrs Drop

Wishing you God’s blessing as you spend time with family and friends this summer!  Enjoy God’s beautiful and wonderful creation!  It has been a joy to teach all of you this year!
Happy Birthday to Correy Mantel who will celebrate tomorrow!
Summer Birthdays:  Happy Birthday to Luke Schuurman (July 1), Amanda DeJong (July 6) and Samantha Vannoord (July 15).

GRADE 7 and 8 – Mr. TenBruggencate / Ms. Jones

Graduation photograph order forms were sent home on Monday.  Please return to the school by Thursday if you wish to make a purchase.
May you all have a great summer!